At a time where excess is not only encouraged but celebrated, IWE has found a way to mitigate over consumption by transforming old materials into new possessions. The idea that to live a life of luxury you must indulge an appetite for exorbitance is not a premise that lends itself to sustainability nor a lifespan of longevity, and so IWE has chosen to place this tenet of the contemporary cultural Zeitgeist at the core of what it seeks to challenge.
For the most part the Fashion Industry has an ecosystem based on exclusivity and ‘cool cache’ which is implemented through seasonal releases and brand identity. Fashion has this unique quality that in and of itself lies an intrinsic value that not only acts as an expression of, but determines an individuals social and economic status within modern culture. This notion that in order to boast the most value you must maintain a wardrobe that displays only the most current iterations of fashion as well as the “right names” has lead us down a road that causes us to misinterpret where to place value.
It is not so much that IWE is attempting to redefine but instead refine what brings value to each person on an individual level, and involve you in that process of creating something that will yield the most value with the potential to last a lifetime.
MADE-TO-ORDER - If the ethos for IWE is “refining what brings value to the individual” then the method by which to achieve this goal is through hand crafted customised fashion items. This method I believe contributes greatly to what adds value to the items themselves, representing an extra level of care and detail that is added to the production process. Coupling this with a made-to-order service grants the individual control of the production process from concept building through to final product. This approach takes advantage of the modern direct-to-consumer market strategy in a manner that goes beyond providing the consumer efficiency, it offers full creative control over their own product that for them yields unlimited value.
SUSTAINABILITY - Part of how we perceive value is an appreciation for how our actions hold the potential for a positive impact. The practice of re-using old materials to create new products plays a fundamental role in what imbues IWE with its intrinsic value, not only does it gift the consumer the creative reins but also purpose.

"Custom 1 of 1 Fashion Pieces Re-Imagined by Hand | Made-to-Order"
Taken from the Zambian language Nyanja “iwe” (pronounced “eey-weh”) is the word for “YOU”. Taking old clothes and unused materials ‘IWE’ upcycles custom items of clothing and accessories crafted completely by hand, drawing upon your personality and style to create something new and truly YOUnique.
We are not bound by any limitations outside what the imagination is yet to impart. There is no such thing as “the aesthetic of individuality” much like there is no handbook to show you how to become yourself. What we wear is a representation of who we are and how we feel, and there are a thousand experiences that influence your aesthetic make-up.
